Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Oh geez... strength training!

Stabilization Workout 1: Legs & Back:

Remember, (almost) everything in this phase is a 4/2/1 tempo.  That's 4 seconds in the eccentric motion, 2 seconds iso hold, 1 sec concentric motion.  For example: 4 seconds dropping into a squat, hold at 90 degress for 2 seconds, then stand up moving hips forward and squeezing the glutes.

SMR (self myofascial release): Foam roll calves, hipflexor complex w/ TFL, IT Band, Lats

Stretch: Static stretches of hamstrings, quads, abductors, hipflexors

Warm Up: 5-10 min treadmill (we want phase II heart rate, but we will calculate that later), 3 min rower

1) Super Set: Swiss ball Wall Squats with dumbbells 10 reps) + Swiss 1 leg ball lung (10 each leg) X 2 
(http://www.inmotionlife.com/wp-content/uploads/Wall-Squat-with-a-Stability-Ball.jpg ,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E_d1bIUlC8) - note on the lunges, toe on or top of foot.  which ever you are more comfortable with.  toe is harder.

2) Super Set: 1 legged kettle bell dead lift (10 each leg) + Swiss ball leg curls (15 with iso hold ) X 2 

4) Super Set: Swiss ball row (10-12 each) + push up position cable pull downs (12 each) X 2

6) Core Circuit:
  Swiss ball pass throughs 10
  Crunches 15 fast
  Swiss ball knees to chest 15
X 2

plank 1 min

Cool down / Stretch!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Easy to lose momentum

Went for a short run this morning (25 minutes) and felt sluggish the whole time.  Should have felt better, as it was all flat, but I think I'm just tired in general.  Additionally, my endurance level is super low... so that's rough.

Anyway!  Better luck next time.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Basic Training Schedule 2015

Here is my initial training schedule:

Sunday: Swim
Monday: Run
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Bike
Friday: Run / OFF
Saturday: Bike / Run

We'll see how that goes.

Just like riding a bike

Things I love about learning good technique - when you've taken a break and are trying to get back in shape, the technique is still there.  Maybe a little dusty, but totally accessible.

Today I hopped in the pool that is around the corner from my new apartment.  I love California for several reasons and today I found several more: the pools always have great natural lighting, they are measured in meters and the water is WAY warmer than anything you'll find in NYC pools.

I managed to swim 100m warm up, 150m drills (100m touch, 50m one-arm) and about 250m freestyle plus 50m breast stroke and 50m kick drills to cool down.  Not too shabby for taking a year off.

I've registered for the Malibu Triathlon in September and I'll be doing the Napa Valley Sprint Distance in April - my first west coast triathlon!  Here we go!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Swim, Swam, Swum.

Swimming today:

100y warm up - breast stroke
200y drills -
100y kick board
50y pull buoy
50y finger drag

12 minute straight swim:

L1 - 61.65
L2 - 65.74
L3 - 66.70
L4 - 66.34
L5 - 64.96
L6 - 72.54
L7 - 64.91
L8 - 67.84
L9 - 69.10
L10 - 67.59
L11 - 69.21
Total - 12:16.58

5x50y fast to slow
L1 - 47sec
L2 - 50sec
L3 - 53sec
L4 - 56sec
L5 - 58sec

100y cool down - backstroke
Total yards: 1200y

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Climbing fiend!

Climbed today with my roommate.  Ended up doing some pretty decent work!  Started with a challenging 5.10B - up into a crevice and did two more 5.10A's another 5.10B and 3/4 of a 5.11A (whut!)

Rocks rule. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Morning swim

This is the best.  My friend picked me up again for a swim at Hamilton.  Great pool, super easy to get to, nice and early with no excuses.  Bonus feature -- coffee in the morning.

Today, we did 100y of breast stroke to warm up, then 200y on kickboard and 250y on pull buoy.  After that, I did a straight 500y and finished up with a 50y sprint (44 seconds!).  Breast stroke and backstroke (50 each) to cool down.