Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2/3 of Spinervals 4.0

Today is supposed to be my first official day of training.  I'm exhausted, I had to zip home, hop on the bike and then run to choir.  This was the most I could get done before I had to shower / head out.

Opera rehearsal tonight!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Asthma run...

It's sort of nice to know that my meds actually work.  If I take them, that is.  Today, I did not take my meds before departing for my run, so I very quickly became too winded to run my full set.  Oh well, at least I got out there?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quick Morning Run

Ran into the park today.  Got about 3/4 of the way through the Panhandle and decided that I wanted to run to the garden.  But then realized that I needed to pick up allergy meds from the store... so I detoured on my way back.

Just 30 minutes and a couple slow miles.  HR is way too high, but whatevs.