Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hamptons weekend

Went to the Hamptons on my company's fall retreat.  It was awesome.  Perfect weather.  Great food.  Gorgeous house.  I ran in the morning and then swam in the afternoon.  The run was 3.5 miles through the country, but it was on the sidewalk.  My HR was a bit high, but I was less concerned about the HR and more about making it out and back.  I wanted to go to Amagansett and get a coffee, but I worried that if I ran more than 4 miles I'd be too tired to make it all the way back.  I'm not in the shape I was before.

After a trip to the ocean, I walked back to the house and used the empty pool to swim.  I figure (based on time) that I did about half a mile.  It was nice to swim outside, yet in a pool.  The weather was perfect and the pool was just a little chilly.  I warmed up pretty quickly.  Good on me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Taking care

Got on my bike tonight.  I was originally planning to get up this morning and go through everything, but I felt horrible.  Massive headache.  I had a doctor appointment today and she put me on an easy over the counter remedy but also talked to me about my current emotional and mental state as well as my stress level.  It was really nice to talk to a medical professional about how I'm doing.  She says I'm doing everything right.  That was really helpful to hear.

So tonight, instead of doing something that someone else wanted, I cancelled and did what I needed.  I ate a good dinner and got onto my bike and did my workout for today.  I'm on an easy fitness routine and a simple calorie-based diet.  I warmed up for 5 minutes on my bike and then did some core workouts.  After that, I warmed up and then did two minutes in big ring, one minute recovery, two minutes high cadence, one minute recovery and a final two minutes in big ring with a recovery and a cool down.  I was sweating pretty hard by the end of it.  I'm looking forward to getting myself back into a strong cycling position for next year.  Baby steps.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Back on the wagon

Went to the gym today.  I'm feeling pretty sick, but I'm not sick enough to allow myself to sit on my butt all day.  I have started a new routine.  I will go to the gym at least three times a week and am going to do ab workouts three days a week.  I did the first of these on Sunday.  Today I did 25 mins of running and some upper body weights.  I have also picked up my fitness app again so I can keep track of my calories.  I weigh about 15 lbs more than I want to and 10 lbs more than is acceptable.  My pants don't fit anymore and my lungs are not doing well.  Doesn't help that I'm sick.  Hoping to feel much better soon.  Bleh.

Here's my run (HR only).