Saturday, January 29, 2011

Under Pressure

Yesterday I finally mustered up the motivation to go to the Y. I had pretty successfully avoided the activity all week, much to my dismay. I managed to stay in my home until late afternoon when, disgusted with my sloth, I grabbed my gym bag.

I have been nursing a pulled muscle in my foot all week, so decided that a bike ride (pending pain tolerance) and a light swim would be good to get me back in the game. I got on a spinning cycle and strapped in (feet actually felt anchored this time, though the tops of my feet got sore from the cages) and just biked on my own, no program. Did a few miles in the drops and a little bit of standing hill resistance, finished off with half an hour of road under my wheels... which the bike calculated at 10.4 miles. Doubtful. But still a good ride.

Did 500m in the pool immediately following. Was feeling a little off kilter, but it still felt good to be in the water. I hope to get someone to look at my form soon. I'd love to know whether I am looking good and what things I can do to improve my form and functionality.

Today I traveled to Florida and was plagued by a pressure headache all day. Spent a lot of time near the pool, but none IN the pool. Looking forward to an outdoor run in the lovely weather tomorrow!

Keep on keep on keep on!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hopped in the pool. Swam for half an hour, 750m. Felt good to be in the water. I realized as I was swimming that the steady breathing of freestyle swimming was no longer producing an anxiety response, but was almost comforting. I'm glad, it makes the effort that much less taxing.

About a week ago I noticed a neat and tidy bruise on my right elbow, just on the inside of the joint. It's almost the size of a quarter and very round. I had no idea where it came from, until I bumped the lane marker. The YMCA allows up to 5 people in a lane at once. Because of this, you have to stay to your side. I realized that, though I typically reach long and rock my body enough to avoid "splaying" to either side, I had bumped the lane marker enough over the past few weeks to create the tidy little bruise.

Just a thought.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Holy buckets.

I was so excited to go for a run today. Thinking I would put in about 5 miles or so and looking forward to the chilly Central Park air, I suited up and headed out. An hour and a half later? Eight miles! Actually, 8.84 if we're being specific... which we totally should, because that's nearly NINE!

Pacing was comfortable, breathing was good, form was at the very least acceptable. Learned some new tricks from my running buddy and had an altogether awesome experience. Not to mention the added bonus of giggles when I finished -- strong!

Feeling confident and much less leery regarding the upcoming races. Wheeee!

Friday, January 21, 2011


So, I went to the gym with the intention of swimming, but brought my running stuff just in case. I was able to count laps this time, which makes me really happy because that means I'm getting comfortable with my stroke/breath patterns. I swam in sets of 100m. After 100m I would rest for a few good breaths at the shallow end and go again.

There was a really "pretty" swimmer in my lane. What do I mean by that? His form looked really great. I watched him swim a little during one of my breaks (I watch everyone to see what looks good and what looks wrong) and noticed his body rocking like a boat, his arms entered the water with smooth efficiency and his head was down. I was feeling rather "pretty" myself today... but won't know for sure until someone watches me!

I decided after the first 200m that I would swim as far as I could in 45mins. After 30mins they kicked everyone out of the pool, because the swim team uses it. Damn. I was feeling pretty good (minor foot cramps at 750m aside) and had swum 850m. I still felt like I wanted to put in time at the gym, so I went back to the locker room and switched to running gear.

Got in 30 minutes of running on the treadmill, hills. Realized that I felt great keeping one pace and letting the "hill" increase my "resistance". It was a really great workout experience. The whole thing.

I've been feeling so fatigued lately, so I was grateful for the tip I was given about when to 'fuel-up'. Worked wonders. I'm feeling great about my athletic potential again!

Oh! Bonus: I was told today (whether it's true or not, I haven't ascertained) that people with low blood pressure (me) make for great athletes. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Junk in the trunk

So I ran on the treadmill. My ass felt fat. I know it's not, but I could feel the non-muscle as I ran. Eugh. More running more often.

Anywho, the equipment at the Y is pretty decent. Did some mild hill running. Didn't make it very far, but I was feeling sluggish and drained. Better next time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bikey bike

So, I brought my biking shoes to the gym today... only to discover that the super awesome spinning bikes (that take clipless pedals) don't actually fit my cleats. Dammit. Had to use the cages, which are worn out and don't hold my running shoes very firmly. :(

But, it was a pretty decent ride nonetheless. I worked on interval training for 38 minutes. The trainer said I went 13 miles (average pace of 20.5 mph), which I'm told is crazy fast. Either the computer is way off (very possible) or I'm pushing WAY too hard (also very possible). The trouble is, I'm only getting about half of the benefit from the workouts because I don't have any way of monitoring my heart rate, which is really what this kind of training is all about. Need to look into getting a strap.

Much of my focus, therefore, has been on maintaining the cadence and resistance that is required. I like the video because the host does a great job of reminding viewers of form, relaxing the upper body, hydrating, and feeling the heart rate changes.

One thing that I've noticed, as I have limited athletic training, is that I tend to overdo it. I push much harder than is required to achieve results. I think this is partially psychosomatic. As a child, when compared to others, my very best was WAY behind the very worst of my classmates. So, to make up for this, my body perceives its exertion at the very outer limits as "not being enough". Turns out, as I monitor my actual physical performance, I am actually achieving greater results than I suspect. In fact, greater results than I thought possible.

That being said, a great deal of my workout should probably take place below my personal idea of "best" because I'm wearing myself out too quickly. "Hardest" and "best" are not synonyms in training. I can get a lot more out of my body if I work better... not harder.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Big lungs

Tired this evening. I felt up for a swim, now that my sinuses have calmed down. Went to the Y to work on my stroke length. Lots of good laps. Still not able to keep count, but maybe soon.

Went to choir almost directly afterward. Whew! That really gave my lungs a work out. Feeling good, in spite of the exertion, though.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Brought all of my gear to the gym this afternoon. I really couldn't decide what I wanted to do. In the end, I figured that I would get dressed to bike, as I haven't ridden in a long while.

Much to my surprise, the machines they have in the regular cardio area are the same machines they use in the spin classes... plus giant video screens. I set up the bike (which the screen, very helpfully, instructed me on) and settled in for a half hour ride. I selected a spinning video (so neat that this is an option) and did some interval training. I worked on cadence, as I couldn't monitor heart rate... apparently I need a strap. The workout was over before I knew it and I definitely felt like I got my money's worth from the 30 minutes.

Anyway, now that I know how it works, I'll be seeing a lot more of the bikes at the Y!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Swim Clip

So, you might know what a swim clip is... but just in case you don't, it's a more aesthetically pleasing phrase for "nose plug".

Yeah, I swim with one. Today, however, I decided to try without. Let's just say that was a bad idea. At least until I get my technique down.

Swam for half an hour today. Working on breathing every third stroke, which I think will bode well especially as I lengthen my stroke. I swim about 26 strokes in 25 meters, but when I think about lengthening my stroke, I easily pare that down to 22. For the next several swims I will work on those two things - steady breathing and long stroke.

... and I won't neglect my lovely swim clip.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Ran three miles this evening on the track at the West Side Y. Kind of funny. It sits high above the basketball court and circles the perimeter. I was treated not only to the rubbery surface of the track, but a rousing game of full court below me.

Want to try out a spinning class. Perhaps the snow tomorrow will deter some of the regulars so I can get an evening slot.

Monday, January 10, 2011

First swim in years!

Well, today will officially mark my first training day.

This morning I went for a run, but decided (based on a suggestion) to try interval training. Wow-wee. Ran for 10 mins at about 9'50" then did 10 intervals of 30s between 7'45" and 8'30" (I got tired) and 30s walk to recover. After this I "ran" to cool down. I put this in quotes because though I was going through the motions, I was probably running around 11'30".

This afternoon I took my YMCA guest pass for a spin. Armed with new goggles and a swim clip from SBR, I hopped into the pool for the first time in nearly 4 years. And it showed. First lap freestyle nearly caused a panic attack, partially because I had never used a swim clip, partially due to the amount of time since I last swam with my face underwater.

But I'm proud of myself! I swam for 25 minutes in the medium-slow lane (90s lap or less) and tried out a few different strokes to re-acquaint myself with the water. Spent the last half of the swim freestyle and was still able to complete 60s laps at the tired end of the workout. I admit I wasn't paying much attention to time/lap throughout.

Spoke with the swim coach that was loitering in the pool area after I got out of the pool. After a brief chat he said I'd probably only need one lesson to get some good pointers on form and to learn some helpful drills. So perhaps I will look into that.

All in all, a successful day. Much more so than I anticipated, having risen late and with a headache. Onward!

Here I go!

Hello world!

So, here's the deal... I decided last spring that I needed to find ways to get myself in great shape, and (to my great happiness) a vast network of opportunity opened up to me. A dear friend was willing to help me train (and provided GREAT motivation) and I ended last summer with a 30 mile bike ride in a triathlon relay with two of my best lady friends.


Now, it may not seem like much, but that 30 miles was my very first race. I had never officially entered an athletic competition in my life. And it kicked my butt. But I was so proud of it!

Proud enough, in fact, to enter myself into several more races this year. It seems 2011 will keep me very busy indeed.

Here's the calendar:

March - Prospect Park Duathlon (R,B,R)
May - Bloomsday (R) - had to cancel...
May - Bay to Breakers (R) - had to cancel...
July - Central Park Sprint Triathlon (S,B,R)
September - Nation's Triathlon (S,B,R)
November - Pinehurst Triathlon (B - Relay)

Am I missing anything? Hope not...

So, to train for this lovely lineup, I have decided to join the West Side YMCA. I am using this blog as my training journal and hope to see lots of progress over the coming months! Wish me luck. :)