Monday, March 10, 2014

Swim, Swam, Swum.

Swimming today:

100y warm up - breast stroke
200y drills -
100y kick board
50y pull buoy
50y finger drag

12 minute straight swim:

L1 - 61.65
L2 - 65.74
L3 - 66.70
L4 - 66.34
L5 - 64.96
L6 - 72.54
L7 - 64.91
L8 - 67.84
L9 - 69.10
L10 - 67.59
L11 - 69.21
Total - 12:16.58

5x50y fast to slow
L1 - 47sec
L2 - 50sec
L3 - 53sec
L4 - 56sec
L5 - 58sec

100y cool down - backstroke
Total yards: 1200y

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Climbing fiend!

Climbed today with my roommate.  Ended up doing some pretty decent work!  Started with a challenging 5.10B - up into a crevice and did two more 5.10A's another 5.10B and 3/4 of a 5.11A (whut!)

Rocks rule. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Morning swim

This is the best.  My friend picked me up again for a swim at Hamilton.  Great pool, super easy to get to, nice and early with no excuses.  Bonus feature -- coffee in the morning.

Today, we did 100y of breast stroke to warm up, then 200y on kickboard and 250y on pull buoy.  After that, I did a straight 500y and finished up with a 50y sprint (44 seconds!).  Breast stroke and backstroke (50 each) to cool down.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Madness!

I've opted in to a 30-day challenge by a friend of mine.  Each day, we do a set of burpees, squats, tricep dips and jumping jacks.  It's a pretty simple, hard-to-excuse challenge.  Yesterday, I did 5 reps and today I did 6.  Seven reps tomorrow!  Haha.  It's silly, but it actually does make one a bit sore.

That said, I did about 20 jumping jacks and 10 each of squats / tricep dips both days... but I swear to you -- I'm not doing more than the prescribed number of burpees.  Because burpees are the devil.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

More rocks!

Tackled a few 5.10a walls today. Four, actually. Pretty good workout. Also, today is the first day of my friend's 30-day challenge, so I did a set of burpees, squats, jumping jacks and tricep dips. Totally manageable.

My foot has been hurting for no good reason. I don't like it. Not one bit.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Swim at Hamilton Rec

I'm very impressed by this pool!  What a great facility.  Very glad I got back in the water today.

My friend and I did a few drills and some laps.  I finished with a short ladder:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Rock Climbing!

Rock climbing with my roommate, a close childhood friend and our favorite bouldering buddy!  Great day to warm up a Saturday morning.  I took the opportunity to challenge myself on a few 5.10B routes - something I haven't been doing because of the medication I'm on.  That said... my buddy from the east coast killed it on a few 5.11Cs... so...

Friday, February 21, 2014

A morning run

Woke up this morning and put on my running gear.  Feeling pretty good these days, though I'm not exercising as frequently as I probably should.  Hoping to go to the pool with a friend sometime next week.  Today, I set out with the goal of running 4 miles.  I ended up running for 40 minutes, somewhere between 3 1/2 and 4 miles (depending on which device you look at).

I need to book my travel / accommodations for my training camp at the end of March.  I'm looking forward to it.  I think it will be good for me to get into the mindset again.  I've still only registered for one race this year (NYC Tri), so I need to decide what I'm going to do other than that.

Monday, February 17, 2014

House of Cards, aerobic...

So, all that yoga yesterday made my arms and pecs really sore.  Good sore, but still pretty stiff.  Did a lot of walking today, which was positive.  However, I ended up availing myself of not one, but TWO slices of toast from The Mill today (tsk tsk tsk).  On the bike I go!  Forty-five minutes of aerobic cycling should burn off some of those carbs.  I'm down 15 lbs, which makes me exceedingly happy.  Though, now I'm in that awkward limbo-land where none of my clothes quite fit...  There are worse things.

Oh, also -- today's workout is brought to you buy House of Cards 2,3.  Zoom zoom.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yoga in the goddess temple

This weekend was so crazy / awesome.  Stayed at an Egyptian goddess themed lodge with my boyfriend and about 20 other people -- all great -- and got some serious downtime, complete with pool playing and puzzle production.  Today, I felt really tense and sore.  I'm still not sure what caused it, but I took the liberty of doing some yoga to stretch out.  I am very glad that I did.  Feeling much more limber and oxygenated. 

Great weekend.  So happy.  :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Super sore

My legs hurt.  Everywhere.

Also, my shoulders -- but that is because I carry around a big old purse instead of a backpack or, you know, nothing...

Looking forward to the weekend.  Going to do a quick run tomorrow morning before heading to wine country with my sweetie.  Yay!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spinervals 4.0 - Muscle Breakdown!

I rule.

Haha.  So, I got up this morning and got on the bike and totally did the whole video.  Including the 4s x 4s acceleration set AND the isometric squats.  Oy.  My quads hurt.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A great first run

So, remember my last post where I was starting my training season?

Yeah... that didn't quite happen.  But THIS TIME it is happening.  I woke up today and had no desire to get on the bike (plus I don't think I had time), so instead I swapped it with the run scheduled for tomorrow.

Also, I remembered my inhaler, so go me.

Unfortunately, my watch died about 5 minutes in, so I didn't get the HR data or anything.  That said, I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes according to Nike+.  Also, I did 5x3t2r without my watch and was very proud of the results.  Great first workout.  Woot!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2/3 of Spinervals 4.0

Today is supposed to be my first official day of training.  I'm exhausted, I had to zip home, hop on the bike and then run to choir.  This was the most I could get done before I had to shower / head out.

Opera rehearsal tonight!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Asthma run...

It's sort of nice to know that my meds actually work.  If I take them, that is.  Today, I did not take my meds before departing for my run, so I very quickly became too winded to run my full set.  Oh well, at least I got out there?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quick Morning Run

Ran into the park today.  Got about 3/4 of the way through the Panhandle and decided that I wanted to run to the garden.  But then realized that I needed to pick up allergy meds from the store... so I detoured on my way back.

Just 30 minutes and a couple slow miles.  HR is way too high, but whatevs.